Care Ministries

“…we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in the time of need,”

Hebrews 4:16

The Care Ministry is a multiple outreach ministry to the congregation and the community. With love and assistance, the Care Ministry reaches out to those in need. Particular needs are met and Jesus is presented as the ultimate
solution for any need and every problem and brings us to a place where “…we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in the time of need,” Hebrews 4:16.

Care Ministry

The Prayer Chain

The Prayer Chain ministry mobilizes immediate intercessory prayer among the body of Christ in response to a crisis or need. Congregation members are invited to: be a part of this prayer team, be available to receive the prayer requests, pray immediately for prayer requests, remember the prayer requests in their daily prayers, and keep each prayer request confidential.

Consouler Ministry 

The Consouler Ministry ministry provides comfort to congregation family members by contacting and visiting the ill and/or shut-ins at hospitals, home or wherever there is a need. It also provides prayer, phone call, cards, flowers, etc. There is a strict code of conduct
and confidentiality for this ministry.

Loaves and Fishes Ministry 

Timothy Ministry  

The Loves and Fishes Ministry uses volunteers to provide families and friends of CCR with fully prepared dinners during special times of difficulty. As needs become known, plans are made and volunteers from a rotating list prepare and deliver one dinner each day to the needy family. They also provide buffet food for funeral receptions and other occasions. These meals are a practical way to show love, care and concern to those both inside and outside our fellowship. 
The Timothy Ministry ministry helps congregation members or community residents with individual assistance or residential repairs/clean- up. Requests submitted to this ministry are reviewed on a case-by case basis and the Church or its congregation members, depending on the need, provide assistance to solve the requested need.

feel led to serve in one of our Care Ministries?
Visit our Volunteer Signup Page for more info.